I saw someone the other day online looking for Bluey knitting patterns (which I will get to!) but it inspired me to look and see what Bluey cross stitch patterns were available. I admit I don’t know a lot about Bluey since my kid is too old to watch it, but I know a lot of people love it and might want to stitch up these characters.
I found a few different people on Etsy offering Bluey cross stitch patterns, and I couldn’t decide on a single one to share from each of them so they each get two. It’s my page so I can do that LOL.
Abbie Sue Designs has a collection of Bluey patterns that makes the characters look like they are dancing, but, again, I have no context for these. The same designer has a really cute Bluey Christmas cross stitch pattern if you’d like to get a jump on your holiday crafting. This one is 140 by 89 stitches and would be great to make it you decorate a child’s room for Christmas.
Aida Stitch Cottage has a cross stitch pattern of Bluey and Bingo hugging, and also one that is just Bluey and is easier for beginners. This one is just 42 by 62 stitches, and it looks like it uses about six colors, so it shouldn’t be too overwhelming for someone new to cross stitch.
And then there are the patterns from Bagelghost. They have a sweet Heeler family portrait cross stitch pattern is a big one, measuring 15.5 by 13.75 inches when worked on 16 count fabric. It uses 14 colors and is super cute. And then there’s the hilarious “I slipped on my beans!” cross stitch design, which even I vaguely know the back story of even though I’ve never watched the show. This one is 12 by 10 inches on 16 count fabric and uses 13 colors. It’s sure to make your little ones (and everyone else) giggle.
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