I am pretty much in love with these cross-stitched gift tags from Craft and Creativity. They use purchased gift tags with holes in them, but you could punch holes in card stock tags to get a similar look.
The ones shown in the pattern (which is in both English and Swedish) have holiday/winter motifs like a snowflake and a reindeer, but you could use the same idea to make any simple little design you wanted for any gift-giving occasion that needed a little more handmade flair.
Is this something you would make? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
[Photo via Craft and Creativity.]
Looking for more Christmas Cross Stitch patterns? Check these out on Etsy.
I really want to purchase these gift tags, but when I went to the site to purchase it was all in Scandinavian. I could not figure out how to. Any suggestions? I just think they are adorable and would add such a nice touch to all my gifts. Thank you!
Google Translate did a good enough job that I can see they are out of stock. A quick search on Amazon (looking for gift tags to cross stitch) came up with a couple of things, but they aren’t the same.
I been looking all over to purchase these kind of things for stitching, where can I find them?