The name says it all really doesn’t it. There is no way I could do this without losing my mind, if you are up for the challenge then check it out over on Etsy.
Death by Cross Stitch is monochromatic design that will be a labor of love with its generous size! This ornate and elaborate design is perfect for the advanced stitcher. It employs various stitching traditions to create a world on your fabric. Can you find the unicorn, squirrel or poinsettias in this design?
where is the link?
The word Etsy is linked in the post. That is where you will find it!
You are right Sarah . My I eyes would be permanently crossed if I tried to correctly stitch this entire piece as a whole . I was thinking of stitching portions of it as smaller projects . Anyhow , this is certainly an impressive diachromatic piece to look at . Thanks for posting it . I’ll check out .
It’s beautiful . Thanks