Here’s another geeky cross stitch project I found on etsy – it combines cross stitch and plushyness for a 3-D effect to create a Dr. Who-inspired geeky wonderfulness. See the Tardis Plush Pattern, available for purchase from Robin’s Designs. Be sure to check out the other geeky greatness in her shop too!
Robin’s designs are wonderful, but this one is completely amazing!!! seriously, the detail and the shading and the shaping are incredible. I bought this pattern at once, and maybe someday I’ll find the time to stitch it. In the meantime, I’m just in awe of Robin’s ingenuity!! Oh, and I’m not sure if she shared the pic on Etsy or not, but by happy coincidence this TARDIS is perfectly to scale with her Doctor #4 action figure.
Thanks Kate! I love your patterns as well.
An update to my TARDIS. It now has a functioning light. My son made an LED to fit inside the light and it slowly flashes on and off, just like the real thing!