My most used tool as a cross stitcher is my group of Q-Snap hoops. I use these more than any other tool or hoop I own.
The versatility of this set soamazing. The various sizes interchange, giving you almost unlimited size options.They require very little in the way of stabilization for your fabric and they leave minimal or no markings or stretching on your finished product. They are so lightweight that you can hold them for long periods without a stand. The company does offer a floor stand, however. I just have mine in my wooden floor-stand. The hoop vises in there fine!
There are sizes ranging from 6″ to 17″. The hoops are sold in squares or rectangles,that can be pulled apart and interchanged and use a ribbed pvc clamp.
Another good suggestion for Qsnaps is to use a piece of spongy shelf liner (rubbermaid??) which you can cut in strips as a liner for the grips. It holds my linen tight and when it wears out, cut another piece. One roll of shelf liner will last years.