I don’t usually share cross stitch charts from Russian or Eastern European websites, because I’m pretty sure they are all copyright violations, but at least this one has some kind of credit on it, and it’s really just too pretty to pass up, so I hope you’ll indulge me this one.
Are the butterflies back where you live? We have been seeing some the past couple of weeks, and it’s just so fun.
Keep butterflies nearby all year when you stitch this pretty butterfly pattern from Michaela Learner, which made it to that site via the Cross Stitching Guild Facebook page. It’s so colorful but easy to stitch. You might even choose multicolored yarn for the butterfly wings to make it even easier. As it is this chart uses only eight colors, so no big deal either way.
[Photo: Michaela Learner via Kunigunda Kincsei.]
Looking for more Butterfly themed cross stitch patterns and charts? Check out these butterflies we found on Etsy.
I suggest that you change the link to the Facebook page where it was originally posted.
Or contact the designer via Etsy to ask which source had her permission to post the chart.
What are the measurements of this one?
I don’t know but the grid looks to be about 85 stitches square.